Our mission is to provide quality housing for people across North America and to generate strong risk-adjusted returns for our public and private investors.
Welcome Potential Fair Play Vendor!
We are thrilled you have chosen to join Fair Play Network’s Vendor Roster.
Please complete this form to the best of your ability and with the most accurate information as it pertains to you, your company and your services.
Once submitted, your details will be sent to the field team to determine when to utilize your services.
If no teams are able to utilize your services at this time, your information will be on file.
If any teams wish to bring you onboard, the Vendor Procurement team will review whether your information meets our requirements to continue with the onboarding process.
Thank you and we look forward to having you join our team!
Reasons to join our network
You are on the priority list to call
Onboarding documents submitted so we know ahead of time your specialty and your payment requirements.
We could send out a quick message to everyone on the list